Medication Errors

Infant receives overdose of meningitis medication in hospital

Most parents want nothing more than to have a happy, healthy child. If their child becomes ill or is born with a serious medical condition, they rely on healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat the problem. Unfortunately, mistakes can occur on a number of different levels—from delayed diagnosis to failure to read a doctor’s handwriting… read more

Technology leveraged in hospital efforts to increase safety

Medical errors are noted to be one of the top three causes of death around the country. The nature of such errors can range dramatically from mistakes made during surgeries, missed or incorrect diagnoses, failure to provide proper treatment and more, putting residents in Pennsylvania at risk every day. Medication errors are also among the… read more

Hospitals seek for ways to reduce medical errors

Thousands of Pennsylvania residents take prescription medication every day. Sometimes the medications are given on a routine basis while other times they are for a short duration to address a specific one-time problem. No matter the situation, the need to ensure safety for patients and avoid medication errors is great as these problems can lead… read more

Hard limits on IV pumps could prevent medication errors

The drug heparin is often used after a patient has surgery to prevent blood clots. It is also commonly used to break down blood clots in stroke patients. While there are many beneficial uses for heparin, administering too much of the powerful drug can cause internal bleeding and other serious problems for patients in Pittsburgh…. read more

Failure to medicate and other deadly medication errors common

Most of the news stories about medication errors are focused on patients receiving too much of a particular prescription drug. This frequently occurs in hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies. In some cases, however, not receiving a medication as prescribed can cause permanent disabilities or possibly even death. Our readers in Pittsburgh may be surprised to… read more

Better communication can prevent potential misdiagnosis

The five conditions that are most frequently misdiagnosed or diagnosed late are cancer, heart failure, pneumonia, kidney failure and UTIs. Even the best doctors in Pittsburgh are sometimes guilty of misdiagnosed cancer or a delay in diagnosis that leads to a worsened condition. While the burden of obtaining an accurate diagnosis should not rest on… read more

Common medical errors patients should watch for

Pennsylvania residents trust in the quality and effectiveness of their medical care every day. This is a basic right that all patients should be able to rely on. Sadly, medical errors whether they be surgical mistakes, medication errors, missed diagnoses or something else also happen every day, compromising the faith that the public has in… read more

Protecting yourself from medication errors while hospitalized

In today’s tough economic climate, employers expect their employees to do more with less. Hospitals in Pittsburgh, PA are no exception. For example, doctors are nurses are forced to care for more patients because tighter budgets have caused reductions in staff. Budget cuts can also prevent hospitals from making critical updates to their electronic health… read more

Misuse of technology can lead to medication errors in Pennsylvania

Technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry. It has made hospitals run more efficiently and enabled physicians to perform intricate surgeries that were once considered impossible. Technology can be a double-edged sword, however. If not used properly it can cause a variety of problems, including medication errors. On the heels of a warning issued by the… read more