How safe are trucks on Pennsylvania roadways?

Truck accidents on the Pittsburgh roadways have unfortunately become all too common. Since 2009, 14,000 people have died as a result of big-rig truck accidents. Accident rates vary between states due to differences in terrain and weather patterns, as well as irregularity of enforcement. While Pennsylvania is closer to the bottom of the list, with… read more

All-terrain vehicle accidents can cause serious injury

Accidents involving vehicles of any kind can cause serious injuries, particularly to children. Car accidents involving various types of vehicles have become a problem in Pennsylvania. In 2009, over 130,000 United States emergency room visits were attributed to all-terrain vehicles, or ATVs. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, children under the age of 16… read more

Mother-to-be killed in Pittsburgh accident with elderly driver

Whenever a deadly crash occurs, authorities, as well as the family of the victim, will likely want to know what caused the accident. Lately, various individuals have been concerned about elderly drivers causing car accidents. Many people plan to drive until they die, but unfortunately, that is not always a safe option. One woman was… read more

Who can file a wrongful death suit in Pennsylvania?

Pittsburgh families who have lost loved ones know how painful it can be to resume day-to-day life after tragedy. It can be even more painful knowing that the person’s death could have been prevented if it wasn’t for the negligence or misconduct of another person. Fortunately, there is a way for families to get some… read more

Car accident kills one, causes serious injury to another

Anytime a driver heads out onto the road in Pittsburgh or throughout the state, there is a chance that a car accident will happen. While the majority of drivers adhere to all traffic laws and operate their vehicles safely, crashes happen. These auto accidents might occur for a multitude of reasons, including drivers operating their… read more

Truck accidents responsible for injuries on Pittsburgh roadways

Many accidents, unfortunately, occur on the streets and highways of Pittsburgh. While some of these accidents involve passenger vehicles, but many of the more serious accidents involve commercial trucks. Truck accidents involving tractor-trailers, cement mixers and coal trucks cause a number of severe injuries and deaths of many people every year. These types of trucks… read more

State trooper hit by SUV and suffers severe injuries

A number of car accidents in Pittsburgh tragically involve innocent pedestrians. These accidents can result in severe injuries that leave the victim struggling for the rest of his life. One Pennsylvania State Trooper experienced some serious injuries himself when he was involved in a car accident in late October. Police say the crash occurred in… read more

What are traumatic brain injuries and how are they treated?

Every year, many Pittsburgh car and truck accidents lead to severe injuries and even death. Some of the most serious injuries involve traumatic injury to the brain. When an accident occurs, drivers and passengers may suffer from a traumatic brain injury. This type of injury typically occurs when a person’s head violently strikes an object… read more